The break between winter weather and spring weather isn’t a sharp one in Southern California, at least not as sharp as in other parts of the country. But there is a change, and the warmer weather is enough to start the spring bloom in plants. Nice as the warmer temperatures are, that plant bloom brings something else with it that isn’t as nice—allergy season.
If you have sensitive allergies or asthma problems, then spring can often be unpleasant. Spring allergies can bring sneezing, coughing, watery and itchy eyes, dry itchy skin, headaches, nausea, and asthma. Many spring allergies resemble the flu or the common cold. The source of many of these problems is tree and grass pollen, and it can be hard to get away from them, even in your house.
There are several medical ways to alleviate the problems of allergy season. But we can offer you indoor air quality solutions to lessen allergy season. You only need to call us and we can find the best way to help.