Saddleback Plumbing Heating & Air Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning Repair’

Unusual Air Conditioning Repairs

Monday, July 8th, 2024

When it comes to air conditioning systems, most California homeowners are familiar with common issues such as refrigerant leaks, clogged filters, and a lack of cold air. However, there are also unusual problems that can plague your AC system, often leading to unexpected and potentially costly repairs.

Let’s go over some of these uncommon issues that can arise with air conditioning systems and heat pumps so you’ll know when to call us for air conditioning repair in Lake Forest.

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Do Central AC or Heat Pumps Need More Repairs?

Monday, June 24th, 2024

If you are in the market for a new cooling system, you’ve undoubtedly heard about heat pumps. A heat pump is an alternative to traditional central air conditioning systems. They come in both ducted and ductless models, allowing for amazing flexibility. However, heat pumps cost more than central air conditioning.

A question we often get from homeowners who are considering making the switch is, “Do central air conditioning systems or heat pumps need more repairs?” It’s an important question to think about, considering that you’ll own your new system for 10–15 years and Irvine AC repair needs should factor into the overall expense. Let’s explain.

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Explore Your Air Conditioner Options in Orange County, CA

Monday, May 1st, 2023

Are you faced with another costly air conditioner repair in Orange County CA? Perhaps it’s time to start researching options for replacing that outdated system. 

Although no one looks forward to the day their AC needs to be replaced, the good news is that there’s been a lot of advancements in HVAC technology. The systems of today aren’t nearly the same as those from 10–15 years ago. 

Not only are today’s central air conditioning systems much more energy efficient, but you also have other choices for cooling your home. Let’s look at heat pumps, central ACs, and ductless systems. That way, you’ll be an informed consumer when it’s time to decide.

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Signs of a Failing Compressor in an Air Conditioner

Monday, August 8th, 2022

Southern Californians all know the importance of reliable air conditioning — and many are all too familiar with the signs of trouble. One of the biggest issues you might face is a failing compressor. This is the part of your AC that handles all the heat transference. Without it, you’ll get nothing but hot air blowing throughout your home. 

Most compressors don’t just give out all at once. They’ll give some warning signs that they’re failing, which an HVAC tech can correct. 

Whenever you need air conditioning repair in Mission Viejo, CA, or anywhere else in Orange County, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Getting service as soon as possible can save you money and, in some cases, save your entire HVAC.

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You Don’t Want to See Ice on Your AC

Monday, July 25th, 2022

During a hot summer day in Southern California, few things feel more appealing than ice. Ice means cool drinks, ice means refreshment, ice means cool.

So when your air conditioning system is running during those hot summer days, doesn’t it just seem right to see ice forming on it?

Well, no matter how it seems, ice isn’t supposed to form on any part of an AC. If you notice ice on your air conditioner—most likely on its indoor evaporator coil—something is wrong. Don’t delay calling us for AC repair in Laguna Niguel, CA or elsewhere in Orange County.

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Electrical Failures in Your AC System

Monday, June 27th, 2022

An air conditioning system is an electrical device. This probably isn’t news to you, because you know that your electrical bills rise during the summer as the air conditioner starts to put in more work. You may not realize just how much electricity an AC uses, however. It’s one of the highest consumers of electricity in most households, consuming 3,500 watts per hour on average. (For comparison, the air conditioner in “fan only” mode consumes 750 watts per hour). Only an electric water heater has a higher average electrical usage, and you may not even have one of those.

So you can understand why electrical failures in an air conditioning system are among the most common a unit can face. We’ll look at several of the electrical malfunctions from your AC that may lead to you calling us for air conditioning service in Orange County, CA in the future.

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What Will Intense Heat Do to an AC?

Monday, May 2nd, 2022

We can expect another intense, hot summer ahead. The spring has already thrown a few 90+ days at us. This kind of heat may make you worry about whether your AC can stand up to it. After all, it’s a Southern Californian’s nightmare to have a home air conditioning system suddenly fail during one of the hottest days of the season.

The best weapon you have against AC failure during the coming heat is professional maintenance. We recommend calling us to schedule the service at your earliest convenience: spring is the ideal time to have the job done, and the summer is approaching fast. If you have this service, you can feel better about your AC’s performance for the season.

But we do want to address the issue of intense heat vs. an air conditioner and talk about what kind of effect heatwaves have on cooling systems. This can help you understand when you need to call us for air conditioning repair in Orange County

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How to Prevent AC Overheat at the End of Summer

Monday, August 23rd, 2021

We’re in for some serious heat here at the end of August and into September. This is when your air conditioning really earns its keep. But the heat, consistent operation, and the general wear from the rest of summer can lead to your AC overheating and shutting down.

“Overheating” can refer to several different occurrences in an air conditioner: tripped circuit breakers, burnt-out fan motors, even a dead compressor. They all have in common an AC overworked and overstrained to the point it ceases to work.

Although you can always trust us for fast air conditioning repair in Laguna Niguel, CA and elsewhere in Orange County, we know you’d rather not have the AC overheat in the first place. We’ll go over ways to avoid this problem during the end of the season.

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Why Water Might Leak From Your AC

Monday, July 26th, 2021

You may expect to see water leaks coming from places like beneath your sink or around the edges of your shower. These are places where there’s plumbing, and where there’s plumbing there can be leaks.

But water leaking out of your air conditioner? You might not have thought about that occurring. Yet you can see the water starting to puddle around the inside cabinet of your central AC. Why is this happening? Where is the water coming from? Do you need it repaired?

We’re going to look at why water might start to leak from your air conditioner and what to do about it. In most cases, you’ll need professional air conditioning repair in Irvine, CA. Our team is here, ready to help you solve whatever cooling system troubles you have.

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When the Heat Rises, How Much Can You Expect From Your AC?

Monday, July 12th, 2021

We’re going to be in for some serious heat during the rest of the summer in Orange County. These are the times when your home’s central air conditioning system has to get down to serious business. You need it working hard now more than ever.

This brings up a good question, one homeowners often ask: How much cooling can an AC do? Does it have a limit to watch out for?

The answer is that air conditioners do have limits, although thankfully you won’t need to push up against them often. But knowing those limits can help you enjoy energy-efficient cooling and possibly keep away a major air conditioning repair in San Juan Capistrano that interrupts the comfort in your house on a hot day.

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